Ringing in Your Ears in Anchorage, Alaska Explained by Our Board-Certified Audiologist
Ringing in your ears or Tinnitus (pronounced tin-NY-tus) is an annoyance at best. When it continues as a chronic problem, it can also disrupt your life in more ways than one. Whether you suffer from unwanted sound in your ears on rare occasion or as part of an ongoing battle, our expert offers cutting-edge treatment to help quiet the ringing in your ears in Anchorage, Alaska.
What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is the name for unwanted sound in your ears. This sound can be present in a variety of forms. Some people hear ringing; others hear a rushing sound, yet others experience a buzzing in their ears or in their head.
Tinnitus is a surprisingly common condition in people who suffer from hearing loss. In fact, as many as 75% of hearing loss patients report tinnitus as a side effect. If you suffer from chronic tinnitus, it’s important that you have your hearing tested, since that unwanted sound could be a sign that your hearing has diminished.
What Causes Tinnitus?
There is still some discussion in the medical community about what causes Tinnitus, but the prevailing theory suggests that Tinnitus is your brain’s way of compensating for your hearing loss. When you cannot hear well, your brain loses the stimulation that sound normally provides. To make up for this missing stimulation, your brain creates phantom sound in your ears.
How Can You Treat Tinnitus?
Unfortunately, there are no “miracle cures” for Tinnitus. Be wary of places that promise cures with pills or surgery – they simply do not work. In some cases, they can even endanger your health.
There is hope, however! The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) has approved one method of treating Tinnitus, and while this method may not be an overnight cure, it is safe, non-invasive, and scientifically shown to help decrease or even eliminate ringing in the ears. This FDA-approved treatment is called Tinnitus Therapy, and it involves ongoing, doctor- or specialist-supervised activities to help stimulate your brain.
Learn More About Ringing in Your Ears in Anchorage, Alaska Today
At Audiology Associates, Inc. we strive to stay at the forefront of safe, advanced treatment options for Tinnitus. If you suffer from ringing in your ears or other unwanted sounds in your ears, schedule a complimentary, no-obligation Audiology Associates Treatment Consultation today. We will be happy to explain more about Tinnitus and our 5-star-rated treatment.
The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other hearing care-related topics, feel free to contact Audiology Associates, Inc. with a convenient hearing center located in Anchorage, Alaska, by clicking here or by calling 907-278-6400.